The Federal Chancellor

The Federal Chancellor

Viktor Rossi (GLP) has been at the helm of the Federal Chancellery since 2024. The Federal Chancellor supports and advises the government.
Jörg De Bernardi, Vice Chancellor ad interim

Jörg De Bernardi, Vice Chancellor ad interim

On 1 January 2024, Jörg De Bernardi took on the role of Vice Chancellor ad interim, heading the Federal Council Sector.
Vice Chancellor André Simonazzi

Vice Chancellor André Simonazzi

Vice Chancellor and Federal Council Spokesman André Simonazzi (†) was responsible for government communication until 10 May 2024.
Tasks of the Federal Chancellery

Tasks of the Federal Chancellery

The Federal Chancellery is the staff office of the Federal Council, acting as a hub between the government, the administration, Parliament and the public.