Party: Free Democratic Party (FDP)
Born on: 02.08.1854
Place of origin: Lutry
Canton: Vaud (VD)
Election: 14.12.1893
Resignation: 31.10.1899
Deceased: 25.10.1919
Successor to Federal Councillor: Antoine Louis John Ruchonnet
Predecessor to Federal Councillor: Marc-Emile Ruchet
Details of elections to the Federal Council
Elected on 1. ballot with 87 votes
Ballots distributed: 179
Ballots received: 178
Blank ballots: 28
Spoiled ballots: 2
Valid ballots: 148
Absolute majority: 75
Further votes received:
Robert Comtesse NE (17), Paul Ceresole VD (10), Verschiedene/ divers (34)
Heads of Department
Military Department
Political Department
1895 - 1897
Department of Home Affairs
1894 - 1895
Department of Justice and Police