Party: Swiss People’s Party (SVP)
Born on: 02.07.1881
Place of origin: Bern + Langnau i. E.
Canton: Bern (BE)
Election: 10.12.1940
Resignation: 31.12.1951
Deceased: 10.02.1962
Successor to Federal Councillor: Rudolf Minger
Predecessor to Federal Councillor: Markus Feldmann
Details of elections to the Federal Council
Elected on 1. ballot with 130 votes
Ballots distributed: 226
Ballots received: 226
Blank ballots: 0
Spoiled ballots: 0
Valid ballots: 226
Absolute majority: 114
Further votes received:
Robert Bratschi BE (56), Friedrich Traugott Wahlen BE (13), Markus Feldmann BE (12), Verschiedene/ divers 15
Heads of Department
1941 - 1951
Department of Justice and Police