Party: Free Democratic Party (FDP)
Born on: 02.03.1868
Place of origin: Brugg
Canton: Aargau (AG)
Election: 17.07.1912
Resignation: 15.04.1935
Deceased: 22.04.1944
Successor to Federal Councillor: Adolf Deucher
Predecessor to Federal Councillor: Hermann Obrecht
Details of elections to the Federal Council
Elected on 1. ballot with 128 votes
Ballots distributed: 198
Ballots received: 194
Blank ballots: 18
Spoiled ballots: 0
Valid ballots: 176
Absolute majority: 89
Further votes received:
Felix Calonder GR (23), Verschiedene/ divers (25)
Heads of Department
1915 - 1934
Department of Economic Affairs
1912 - 1914
Department of Trade, Industry and Agriculture