Adoption of the Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard and repealing Regulations (Development of the Schengen Acquis).

On the 15 Mai 2022 the Swiss electorate voted on the Adoption of the Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard and repealing Regulations.

In brief

Switzerland is part of the Schengen Area. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) provides operational support to the Schengen states in controlling the external borders of the Schengen Area. Switzerland has been working with Frontex for over ten years.

Moves have been under way since the end of 2019 to expand Frontex. The Federal Council and Parliament have decided that Switzerland would participate in the expansion of Frontex. A referendum has been sought against such a move. Opponents argue that Switzerland is partly responsible for alleged human rights violations by Frontex due to its financial support for the agency.

Frontex will receive more money and staff as a result of the expansion. In addition, it is taking on new tasks such as the return of migrants required to leave the Schengen Area. In addition, the staff of the Fundamental Rights Office will be increased. It helps to protect the fundamental rights of those involved in operations at the Schengen external borders. Under the bill put forward by the Federal Council and Parliament, Switzerland would play its part in this reform. Its financial contribution to Frontex would gradually increase. And It would also provide more staff and material.

If Switzerland rejects this further Schengen development, its cooperation with the Schengen and Dublin states would end automatically - unless the EU states and the European Commission were prepared to accommodate Switzerland.

Last modification 15.05.2022

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