Nursing initiative

On the 28 November the Swiss electorate voted on the Nursing initiative.

In brief


Nursing is an important pillar of the healthcare system. As the population continues to age, the profession is facing major challenges. In order to maintain high-quality nursing care, a greater number of professionals must train in this field in future. Conditions must also be created that allow nurses to remain in the profession longer.


This popular initiative calls on the Confederation and cantons to do more in support of the nursing profession, in order to ensure universal access to appropriate, high-quality nursing. There must be a sufficient number of registered nurses, with professionals working in roles appropriate to their training and skills. The initiative also proposes that the Confederation should regulate working conditions and ensure appropriate compensation for nursing services. Nurses should also be able to bill certain services directly to health insurance companies.

Indirect counter-proposal

The Federal Council and Parliament believe that this popular initiative goes too far, and they are therefore making an indirect
counter-proposal. Education and training would receive funding of up to CHF 1 billion over a period of eight years. Nurses would be able to bill insurance companies directly for certain services, with a control mechanism in place in order to prevent healthcare costs and insurance premiums from rising as a result. The counter-proposal will come into force if the popular initiative is
rejected and no referendum is requested.

Last modification 23.11.2021

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