The Federal Council adopts a national action plan for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention

Bern, 22.06.2022 - At its meeting on 22 June, the Federal Council adopted the National Action Plan 2022-2026 for the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). It focuses on three main issues: informing the public and raising public awareness, providing basic and further training for professional staff and volunteers, and preventing and combating sexual and sexist violence.

The National Action Plan for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention (NAP IC) 2022-2026 aims to reduce violence against women and domestic violence, and to increase the personal safety of the population by implementing 44 concrete measures. These measures adress all groups targeted by violence, regardless of age, origin or emotional and sexual orientation. The action plan will be implemented at all levels of the federal government and includes measures by the Confederation, the cantons and the communes. It focuses on three main issues where a particular need for action has been identified: informing the public and raising public awareness, providing training for professional staff and volunteers, and preventing and combating sexual and sexist violence (sexualised violence).

Informing the public and raising public awareness

The aim is to educate the public about the various forms of violence against women and domestic violence, the serious consequences of such violence and the help available. This includes specific information on the different groups involved. The attitudes, roles and gender stereotypes that promote violence are also questioned. One of the measures envisages rising awareness of victim support ( through new campaigns.

Providing basic and further training for professionals and volunteers

The Federal Council wants to ensure that professionals and volunteers who are in contact with people affected by violence have the specific technical and operational knowledge to react appropriately. Basic and further training should enable professionals and volunteers recognise and treat victims and perpetrators of violence, and provide support in these demanding situations.

Sexualised violence

The purpose of this action plan is to prevent and combat sexualised violence. This requires identifying its causes. Prevention measures, the creation of support services and the treatment of victims and perpetrators of violence must all take the gender perspective into account. The needs of particularly vulnerable groups must be adequately addressed. One of the measures includes the provision of forensic care for victims of sexual violence in cantonal hospitals, including the securing of evidence and provision of professional support during the crisis.

Dynamic implementation

The national action plan is integrated into the various national, cantonal and communal strategies and measures dealing with forms of violence or the fields of action of the Istanbul Convention. Annual monitoring is planned to ensure the dynamic implementation and development of the measures as well as their harmonisation with other ongoing action plans and strategies such as the Equality Strategy 2030 and the federal and cantonal roadmap on domestic violence. An interim review will be drawn up in 2024. The action plan is due to expire in 2026 with the publication of a final report.

Close cooperation with the cantons, cities, communes and civil society

In drawing up the action plan, the Confederation consulted the cantons, cities and communes. Non-governmental organisations and civil society were also consulted.

Switzerland's growing commitment to preventing and combating violence                       

Violence against women and domestic violence are still widespread in Switzerland and cause great suffering. In 2021, the police recorded 19,341 domestic violence offences in Switzerland. Most often this occurs between a couple living together or separated. More than 70% of the victims were women, while the proportion of male perpetrators was 73%. The victims of 86% of all sexual offences recorded by the police in 2020 were women.

Joining the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) Switzerland has made a firm commitment to strengthen the prevention, protection of victims and prosecution of these forms of violence.

Address for enquiries

Hanna Jordi
Communications Officer
Federal Office for Gender Equality
Tel. +41 58 467 42 04


The Federal Council

General Secretariat FDHA

Federal Office for Gender Equality