Statistics on business demography (UDEMO) - Record number of businesses created in 2021

Neuchâtel, 04.12.2023 - In Switzerland, 43 037 businesses were created from scratch in 2021. In the vast majority of cases, they employed only one person. Accounting for over 80% of all new businesses, these very small structures are particularly dynamic. In terms of job creation, however, it is the existing, larger, high-growth businesses that are a driving force in the economy. These are the some of the results from the Federal Statistical Office’s (FSO) statistics on business demography (UDEMO).

This press release and further information on the topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below).

Address for enquiries

Andrea Grossi, FSO, Economic Structure and Analyses, tel.: +41 58 463 66 40, e-mail:


Federal Statistical Office