Federal Council appoints Antoine Martin as new Member of the Governing Board at the Swiss National Bank
Bern, 22.09.2023 - At its meeting on 22 September 2023, and upon the proposal of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) Bank Council, the Federal Council appointed Antoine Martin as Member of the Governing Board at the SNB. He succeeds Andréa Maechler.
The Federal Council has appointed Antoine Martin, from French-speaking Switzerland, as Member of the Governing Board at the SNB for the remainder of the 2021-2027 term of office. The appointment was made upon the proposal of the SNB Bank Council. Antoine Martin will take up the post on 1 January 2024.
Born in 1969, Antoine Martin is currently Financial Research Advisor on Financial Stability Policy Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He comes from Froideville in the canton of Vaud, studied economics at the University of Lausanne and obtained his doctorate from the University of Minnesota (USA) in 2001. He then worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (USA) and in 2005 moved to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where he held various management positions during his career.
Thanks to his many years of Federal Reserve Bank work, Antoine Martin is familiar with the concerns of a central bank and has sound, practical experience in the field of monetary policy. He has also addressed the challenges of a central bank in numerous academic analyses and research papers.
The Federal Council would like to thank his predecessor, Andréa Maechler, for her service. She stepped down on 30 June 2023 and has held the position of Deputy General Manager at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel since September 2023.
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The Federal Council
Federal Department of Finance