Swiss Statistics Meeting 2023 — without data, no statistics, no research, no business!

Neuchâtel, 21.08.2023 - The Swiss Statistics Days (SSD) will be held from 30 August to 1 September at the University of Basel. This year, the focus will be on data. Data are necessary for statistics but they are also essential to society, science and the economy. They must, therefore, be reliable and able to be used sustainably. New data sources and modern analysis methods enabling the potential of data to be fully exploited will be at the centre of debates at this 2023 edition.

This press release and further information on the topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below).

Address for enquiries

Marc Gindraux, FSO, Head of Territory and Environment Division, FSO , tel.: +41 58 463 60 97, email:


Federal Statistical Office