Federal Council intensifies efforts to achieve high-speed internet coverage for the whole of Switzerland

Bern, 28.06.2023 - A reliable broadband infrastructure is required in all regions to ensure that inhabitants and businesses throughout Switzerland are able to benefit from digitalisation. With the report 'Federal Strategy for a Very High Capacity Network', the Federal Council shows how high-speed internet can also be implemented in regions in which expansion is not worthwhile for the industry. The Federal Council has tasked the DETEC with making suggestions for further action by the end of the year. It approved the 'Federal Strategy for a Very High Capacity Network' at its meeting on 28 June 2023. The report fulfils the postulate of the same name by the National Council's Transport and Telecommunications Committee.

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General Secretariat of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications; General Secretariat DETEC

The Federal Council

Federal Office of Communications
