Launch of new cooperation programme between Switzerland and Latvia

Bern, 19.06.2023 - Switzerland and Latvia have signed a bilateral agreement implementing the second Swiss contribution to selected EU member states. Under the agreement Switzerland will allocate CHF 40.4 million towards programmes in Latvia in the fields of polluted site remediation, applied research, vocational education and training and healthcare.

On 19 June, Ambassador Dominique Paravicini, Federal Council Delegate for Trade Agreements, and Latvian Finance Minister Arvils Ašeradens, signed the bilateral implementation agreement establishing the new Swiss-Latvian cooperation programme as part of the second Swiss contribution to selected EU member states.

Cooperation programme between Switzerland and Latvia

The aim of the new Swiss-Latvian cooperation programme is to contribute to the strategic reforms undertaken by Latvia and to strengthen or create Swiss-Latvian partnerships. The Swiss contribution of CHF 40.4 million will target four areas in which there are proven needs in Latvia and opportunities for Switzerland to provide added value through its expertise and experience. These areas are:

  • Remediation of a polluted site located in the municipality of Aizkraukle upstream from Riga to reduce the risks to human health and the environment.
  • Applied research programme in the fields of advanced materials, information and communication technologies and the efficient and sustainable use of energy. This programme will be implemented in close collaboration with EMPA, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research.
  • Programme aimed at improving Latvia's vocational education and training system.
  • Adoption of a multidisciplinary, patient-centred approach to improve the diagnosis, treatment and lives of children with rare diseases such as childhood cancer.

Second Swiss contribution                                                      

The second Swiss contribution to selected EU member states is an investment in Europe's security, stability and prosperity. It amounts to CHF 1.302 billion spread over a ten-year period until the end of 2029 (Cohesion and Migration). Its aim is to strengthen cohesion in Europe by reducing social and economic disparities, and to support countries facing exceptional migration challenges. Thanks to this contribution, Switzerland is also strengthening and deepening its bilateral relations with these countries and with the EU as a whole.

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