Private security services provided abroad in 2022: seventh annual report of the FDFA

Bern, 09.06.2023 - At its meeting of 9 June 2023, the Federal Council took note of the seventh annual report on the implementation of the Federal Act on Private Security Services Provided Abroad (PSSA). Under this federal act, companies based in Switzerland intending to provide private security services abroad must first declare the activity to the competent federal authority. In 2022, the FDFA received 95 declarations from companies and none of their activities were prohibited.

The unit in charge of implementing the PSSA is the Export Controls and Private Security Services Section (ECPS) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). In 2022, the ECPS received 95 declarations, falling mainly into four groups of activities: protection of persons and guarding of property and buildings in a complex environment, operational or logistical support to armed or security forces, private intelligence and security services.

In 2022, the ECPS initiated three review procedures and prohibited no activities. The ECPS did not identify any private security services involving direct participation in hostilities or which could result in serious human rights violations. Such activities are prohibited under Articles 8 and 9 of the PSSA.

The revised PSSA ordinance also had a strong impact in 2022. The number of activities subject to the requirement to declare decreased significantly as a result of this revision.

Audit by the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO)

At the beginning of 2022, the SFAO conducted an audit of the effectiveness of the implementation of the PSSA and the correct application of the act by the ECPS. The SFAO's audit concluded that the ECPS had established appropriate reporting and verification procedures and applied them effectively.

The ECPS has continued its information and awareness-raising work

At national level, numerous companies continue to experience difficulties in assessing whether with the new and more precise definition certain activities had to be declared or were exempt from the requirement to declare. Companies active in various relevant fields were contacted to determine to what extent they might be affected by the law.

In the context of the war in Ukraine, the ECPS was confronted with a number of questions, in particular concerning the scope of the Act and the Ordinance of 4 March 2022 on measures in relation to the situation in Ukraine.

At international level, the ECPS participated in several events related to the regulation of private security services and to issues of international law. Of particular note was the ECPS's participation in the third session of the United Nations Human Rights Council's intergovernmental working group tasked with developing an international regulatory framework on the regulation of private military and security companies. Informal contacts were also established with a number of national regulatory authorities to foster inter-state exchanges in the field of private security services.

Finally, in the second half of 2022, the ECPS's activities were focused on preparing Switzerland's mandate for its seat on the UN Security Council. As a centre of expertise specialising in private security services abroad, the ECPS contributed its expertise to addressing issues related to conventional private military and security companies and actors such as the Wagner Group.

Address for enquiries

For further information:
FDFA Communication
Tel. Press service +41 460 55 55


The Federal Council