Reconnaissance technologies: armasuisse is organising an international research experiment in Walenstadt in cooperation with NATO
Bern, 23.05.2023 - From 13 – 20 May, armasuisse carried out a joint research measurement experiment in Switzerland with the research organisation of NATO for the first time. The focus was on detecting hazards in built-up areas with new acoustic and seismic means.
Together with researchers from the NATO countries USA, France, Germany, Czech Republic and Hungary, the competence domain Science and Technology (S+T) of armasuisse performed measurement experiments in Switzerland in mid-May. These took place for the first time in this form in Switzerland as part of the Partnership for Peace (PfP). The goal was to test various technologies in the area of reconnaissance in urban terrain and to measure their effect.
Among other things, the participating researchers analysed how well acoustic and seismic measurement methods are suited to localising snipers and explosions and to detecting drones. The snipers and explosions were located using special microphones, cameras and seismic sensors and the drones using microphones as well as special cameras and high-frequency devices. Different scenarios were carried out for each measurement method. The measured data will be evaluated over the coming weeks and the new methods and technologies assessed.
The research measurement experiments took place on the Walenstadt (SG) military training area in the combat training centre OST. The military training village ÄULI simulates a built-up environment with 23 different buildings and is thus ideally suited for testing, to detect hazards in urban areas. Thanks to the support of the Training and Education Command of the Swiss Armed Forces, it was possible to carry out this international measurement experiment safely.
Hazards in urban area assessed together with researchers from NATO
Conflicts are increasingly taking place in urban and built-up areas. However, this is where existing reconnaissance technologies reach their limits, as the position detection in such environments is only possible to a limited extent using these means today. For this reason, NATO regularly tests new technological solutions from research. Switzerland, represented by armasuisse Science and Technology (S+T) in the DDPS, is taking part in selected NATO research activities as part of the Partnership for Peace programme (PfP). This cooperation enables the Swiss participants to better assess the technological developments for the Swiss Armed Forces and thus contributes to the security of Switzerland.
Address for enquiries
Kaj-Gunnar Sievert
Head of Communications armasuisse
+41 58 464 62 47
General Secretariat DDPS