New SwissInTouch app: FDFA strengthens ties with Swiss abroad
Bern, 24.11.2022 - SwissInTouch (available on the website) is an information and communication platform designed to help Swiss nationals abroad stay in contact with their embassy and the FDFA's head office. President of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis unveiled the plans for the new app at the Congress of the Swiss Abroad, held in Lugano from 18 to 20 August.
Following the success of the Travel Admin app for Swiss travellers, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs has launched a new app, this time designed to strengthen communications between the Swiss abroad and the Swiss public authorities. "The name SwissInTouch was chosen to illustrate the need for dialogue and exchange behind the app's development," explained President Ignazio Cassis in Lugano.
Switzerland in your pocket
Citizens living abroad are in frequent contact with the Swiss authorities. To stay in touch, the embassies and consulates use written communications, newsletters, social networks and events organised throughout the year. The new app simply makes communication easier and more systematic, using modern, mobile channels. It will not replace any of the consular services currently provided locally by the representations or on the FDFA's online desk.
The SwissInTouch app enables all Swiss abroad to access the latest information from their representation when and where they need it – so they can keep Switzerland in their pocket at all times.
Targeted communication
The app allows representations abroad to post updates directly intended for the Swiss community in their consular district.
It is also possible to send out information to specific target groups. Young Swiss and senior citizens abroad, for example, will be able to access updates which concern them directly. The FDFA will also be able to carry out anonymous user surveys to quickly pinpoint any issues and address specific demands.
No registration is necessary, but you will need to create an account to access some additional features, such as surveys, chat messaging and to sign up for events. An account is also necessary to make consular service appointments.
Already tested in several embassies
A number of representations and Swiss citizens were involved in the development and helped to optimise the app before it went live. The new app is available today at
Address for enquiries
FDFA Communication
Federal Palace West Wing
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel. Press service: +41 58 460 55 55
Twitter: @SwissMFA
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs