Federal Council condemns Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territories
Bern, 30.09.2022 - The annexation of Ukrainian territories declared today by Russia is a serious violation of international law. In particular, it violates the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of Ukraine. Switzerland does not recognize the incorporation of Ukrainian territories into the Russian Federation.
On 30 September, the Russian President proclaimed the incorporation of the Ukrainian territories that are partially occupied by Russia into the Russian Federation. Having annexed Crimea in 2014, Russia is again violating international law with this annexation.
The Federal Council condemns this serious violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty. It does not recognize the incorporation of the Ukrainian territories into the Russian Federation. Switzerland underlines that these territories are still part of Ukraine's national territory. The Federal Council calls on Russia to de-escalate and to completely withdraw from Ukrainian territories.
As an occupying power, Russia is obliged to comply with international humanitarian and human rights law and to respect Ukraine's existing legal system. Switzerland calls for rapid and unimpeded access for humanitarian aid to be guaranteed throughout the territory of Ukraine, including in the Russian-occupied territories. With winter approaching, the delivery of humanitarian aid to the population is vitally important.
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