Fewer than 1000 suicides in 2020 – long-term trend shows continued decline

Neuchâtel, 03.10.2022 - In 2020, the total number of suicides continued to decrease. Since the peak in the period 1980-1985, the numbers have steadily declined and in 2020, with a total of 972 cases, they fell below the thousand mark for the first time since 1964. Among women under 25, slightly more cases were counted than in the previous year, whereas among young men the numbers remained constant. These are some of the findings from a new special evaluation of the Cause of death statistics of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

This press release and further information on this topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below)

Address for enquiries

Christoph Junker, FSO, Population Health section, tel.: +41 58 463 68 30, email: christoph.junker@bfs.admin.ch


Federal Statistical Office
