Entry into force of amended Host State Act on 1 November 2022

Bern, 23.09.2022 - The Federal Council has set 1 November 2022 as the date on which the amended Host State Act (HSA) will enter into force. The amendment is consistent with the Federal Council's host state policy for Switzerland and aims to take into account the special situation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in terms of occupational pensions.

Following the adoption of the amendment by the Federal Assembly in June, the Federal Council has decided that the amended HSA will enter into force on 1 November 2022. The amendment enables the ICRC to keep all its staff members in one single pension fund – the ICRC pension fund. The special arrangements granted to the ICRC are justified by the role and specificity of the organisation as well as by its historical links with Switzerland.

Switzerland has a long tradition of hosting international organisations and conferences. The Federal Council's host state policy enhances Switzerland's appeal and competitiveness, enabling international actors to set themselves up in the country and operate under optimal conditions. The Host State Act of 22 June 2007 is an instrument of this policy.

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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
