Unchanged radio and television fee and extended SRG SSR licence

Bern, 07.09.2022 - The radio and television fee will remain at CHF 335 per year for households. At its meeting on 7 September 2022, the Federal Council compared the revenue from the fee with the needs of the recipients and concluded that the fee should be charged at the same rate for 2023-24 for both households and companies. The SRG SSR licence, which expires on 31 December 2022, was extended until the end of 2024. The Federal Council also laid down the broad outlines of the new licence valid from 2025. The broadcaster should focus its online presence more on audio and audiovisual offerings. It should also continue its transformation, while still providing offers that are targeted towards the entire population and all regions of the country.

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The Federal Council

Federal Office of Communications

General Secretariat of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications; General Secretariat DETEC
