eESA: Federal Supervisory Board for Foundations’ digital system up and running

Bern, 24.05.2022 - The Swiss Federal Supervisory Board for Foundations (FSBF) launched its system for digital foundation supervision (eESA) on 18 May. Foundations and auditing firms can now communicate with the FSBF solely via the online portal. To date, a total of 995 foundations have already registered on EasyGov.

With the eESA system, the FSBF's statutory supervisory work is now largely handled electronically. The FSBF and the foundations can communicate via the EasyGov online portal ( operated by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). For example, annual reporting can be submitted electronically without media discontinuity. The majority of the FSBF's formal transactions can also be processed and supervisory measures carried out via the platform. The foundations, in turn, receive audit reports, general replies, orders, reminders and invoices from the FSBF via EasyGov. They thus have a digital archive of all submissions and responses at their disposal.

Technically, the new system is a combination of various standard federal components such as SAP, the Acta Nova document management system and EasyGov. The EasyGov database is encrypted. All data known to be worthy of protection are kept in the secure area of EasyGov, which can only be accessed via the CH login in the Federal Administration's central access and authorisation system (eIAM).

The FSBF is responsible for the federal supervision of 4,860 traditional foundations active throughout Switzerland or internationally.

Address for enquiries

Nils Güggi, FSBF Head
+41 58 463 50 78


General Secretariat FDHA

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs