Football: Indictment for a payment of CHF 2 million by FIFA to the former president of UEFA

Bern, 02.11.2021 - The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG) has filed an indictment against the former President of FIFA, Joseph Blatter, and against the former President of UEFA, Michel Platini. Both are accused of unlawfully arranging a payment of CHF 2 million from the FIFA to Michel Platini.

The OAG accuses Joseph Blatter of fraud (Art. 146 para. 1 of the Swiss Criminal Code [SCC]), in the alternative of misappropriation (Art. 138 no. 1 para. 2 SCC), in the further alternative of criminal mismanagement (Art. 158 no. 1 paras. 1 + 3 SCC) as well as of forgery of a document (Art. 251 no. 1 paras. 1 + 2 SCC). Michel Platini is accused of fraud (Art. 146 para. 1 SCC), in the alternative of participating in misappropriation (Art. 138 no. 1 para. 2 SCC), for in the further alternative of participating in criminal mismanagement (Art. 158 no. 1 paras. 1 + 3 SCC), as an accomplice (Art. 25 SCC), as well as of forgery of a document (Art. 251 no. 1 paras. 1 + 2 SCC).

Alleged offences
In summary, the OAG's investigation has revealed the following: between 1998 and 2002, Michel Platini worked as a consultant for the then FIFA President Joseph Blatter. In 1999, an annual compensation of CHF 300’000 was agreed upon in a written contract for this advisory activity. This written contract was signed by both Blatter and Platini. The compensation agreed in accordance with this contract was invoiced by Platini on each occasion and paid in full by FIFA.

Over eight years after the termination of his advisory activity, Platini demanded a payment in the amount of CHF 2 million. With Blatter's involvement, FIFA made a payment to Platini in said amount at the beginning of 2011. The evidence gathered by the OAG has corroborated that this payment to Platini was made without a legal basis. This payment damaged FIFA's assets and unlawfully enriched Platini. In the view of the OAGthe accused have committed the offences listed above.

Remarks in connection with the filing of the indictment
The OAG will present its conclusions at the hearing before the Federal Criminal Court (FCC). For the accused, the presumption of innocence applies until a final verdict enters into force. As soon as the indictment is filed the FCC alone is competent to provide any further information.

Address for enquiries

Communication Service of the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland, Tel. +41 58 464 32 40,


Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland