Switzerland to open consulate general in Chicago in 2019

Bern, 23.05.2018 - At its meeting on 23 May 2018, the FDFA informed the Federal Council that it would reopen a consulate general in Chicago in 2019 in order to step up efforts to promote Switzerland's economic interests in the Midwest of the United States. The network of Swiss representations abroad, which currently comprises 170 representations, is regularly adapted to changing circumstances in order to best meet Switzerland’s interests.

The Swiss consulate general in Chicago was closed in 2014 in order to cut costs as part of a package of consolidation and task review measures. The FDFA has now decided to reopen the consulate general, probably during the second half of 2019, following a reassessment of its benefits for Switzerland and in line with a proposal made earlier this year by Parliament’s foreign affairs committees. The reopened consulate general will be modest in size and will primarily focus on promoting Switzerland’s economic interests. 
The Midwest – and the Chicago metropolitan area in particular – is one of America’s economic engines. The region is therefore an important financial and commercial centre for Switzerland, one of the main destinations for Swiss direct investment in the United States, and home to numerous Swiss companies. In the last three years Swiss Business Hub USA, which is based in New York, has seen a significant increase in demand for services from Swiss SMEs wishing to do business in the Chicago region in particular.

Switzerland’s network of representations, which currently comprises some 170 representations abroad, is regularly adapted based on Switzerland’s interests, developments in political and economic centres of gravity and available financial resources. For example, the network of diplomatic representations has been extended by 24 new embassies and 12 new consulates general – particularly in large cities in emerging countries – since 1990. At the same time, easier travel and technical and technological progress in the provision of consular services have also made it possible to close 34 consulates general.

Address for enquiries

FDFA Information
Tel. +41 58 462 31 53


The Federal Council

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
