85% of holders of a federal proficiency certificate obtain their first job within 3 months

Neuchâtel, 17.04.2018 - (FSO) – 85% of holders of a federal proficiency certificate obtain their first job within 3 months of completing their qualification and 46% remain in the company that trained them. However, 19% are registered as unemployed at some point during the two and a half years following their qualification. There also tends to be an overlap between periods of employment and training. These are some of the results of the study carried out by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) that describes the destinations of 89,000 holders of an upper secondary school certificate from 2012 to 2015.

This press release and further information on this topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below).

Address for enquiries

Jacques Babel, FSO, Education System, tel : +41 58 463 63 81,
e-mail: Jacques.Babel@bfs.admin.ch


Federal Statistical Office
