Child poverty and material deprivation in Switzerland 2014 - 234 000 children live in households with limited economic means

Neuchâtel, 18.11.2016 - Neuchâtel, 18.11.2016 (FSO) – In Switzerland one in 20 children was affected by income poverty in 2014 and one in six was at risk of poverty. Children growing up in households without an employed person or with a single parent are particularly affected. They are also more likely to be confronted with material deprivation and poor housing conditions. In many households that have to cope with material deprivation, parents put the children's needs before their own. These are some of the findings from the new report by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) on child poverty and material deprivation.

This press release and further information on this topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below)

Address for enquiries

Martina Guggisberg, FSO, Social Analyses Section, tel.: +41 58 463 62 38,


Federal Statistical Office