Longitudinal analyses in the education sector – Successful introduction of two-year basic vocational education and training with Federal VET Certificate

Neuchâtel, 29.08.2016 - (FSO) - Of the 5409 persons who started two-year basic vocational education and training with a Federal VET Certificate in summer 2012, almost three quarters successfully completed their training by the end of 2014. The majority of these (70.4%) did so directly and without termination of an apprenticeship contract. Just under half of young people who terminated an apprenticeship contract were able to join another certifying training programme at upper secondary level. The Federal Statistical Office (FSO) and the Swiss Observatory for Vocational Education and Training at the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) have analysed terminations of apprenticeship contracts in the case of VET Certificate apprenticeships for the first time.

This press release and further information on this topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below)

Address for enquiries

Katrin Holenstein, FSO, Educational processes section, +41 58 46 36232, katrin.holenstein@bfs.admin.ch


Federal Statistical Office

State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
