Cybercrime: First indictment for worldwide “phishing”

Bern, 23.08.2016 - The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland has filed an indictment in accelerated proceedings against three suspected members of a ring specialising in the fraudulent misuse of credit card data for commercial gain. This is the first time in Switzerland that an indictment has been filed in a global phishing case.

The three defendants are charged with computer fraud for commercial gain (Art. 147 para. 1 and 2 Swiss Criminal Code (SCC)) and multiple counts of attempted computer fraud (Art. 147 para. 1 in conjunction with Art. 22 para. 1 SCC).

The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland accuses the defendants of worldwide unlawfully obtaining the data on at least 133,600 credit cards. The defendants operated from October 2009 until their arrests in 2014 and 2015. They obtained the credit card data by carrying out phishing attacks, using spoof emails, websites and text messages.

From October 2008, the group earned their living from the unlawful procurement and fraudulent online use of credit card data.

These criminal proceedings qualify as a pilot process, as this is the first time in Switzerland that an indictment has been filed against accused engaged in criminal activity on a global scale who were not physically present in Switzerland. The parties affected are credit card holders around the world and Swiss financial institutions. The three defendants were arrested in Bangkok (Thailand) and extradited to Switzerland.

The indictment was filed in accelerated proceedings under Art. 360 SCC in conjunction with Art. 325 of the Swiss Criminal Procedure Code (CrimPC). The defendants have admitted the allegations. All three defendants are currently in prison in anticipation of their sentences (CrimPC Art. 236). As the indictment has been filed, the Federal Criminal Court is now responsible for providing further information related to the case.

Address for enquiries

André Marty, Head of Communications & Public Affairs of the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland; +41 58 464 32 40;


Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland