Interdepartmental Working Group 1970 has begun clarifying a possible deal with the PLO

Bern, 19.02.2016 - The working group tasked with clarifying the question of a possible secret agreement with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) in September 1970 has begun its work. The Federal Council recently informed the parliamentary control committees of this at their request. The 'Interdepartmental Working Group 1970', which is headed by the FDFA, is also looking into the investigations that were carried out by the federal authorities following the bomb attack against an airliner near Würenlingen.

During its weekly meeting on 27 January 2016, the Federal Council discussed the statements and allegations contained in a recently published book entitled 'Schweizer Terrorjahre'. On the basis of this discussion, a working group was set up at the behest of the secretary-general of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Benno Bättig, in agreement with the secretary-general of the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) and the secretary-general of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS). The Interdepartmental Working Group 1970, which is headed by the FDFA, is also composed of representatives of the FDJP, the DDPS, the Swiss Federal Archives and the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland.

The working group has been tasked with investigating mainly two questions, mostly by conducting research in the Swiss Federal Archives:

• Is it true that Switzerland made a secret deal with the PLO in September 1970?
• After the bomb attack against an airliner near Würenlingen, were the investigations carried out thoroughly by the judicial federal authorities? 

The Interdepartmental Working Group 1970 will submit its final report to its mandators by the end of April 2016. In its report, the working group can also make recommendations on what further action should be taken. 

Address for enquiries

Further information:
FDFA Information
Tel. +41 58 462 31 53


The Federal Council

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs