Federal geoportal geo.admin.ch wins International Public Choice Award

Bern, 14.09.2015 - Switzerland’s federal geoportal geo.admin.ch has been honoured once again in a major international competition. On 11 September 2015, the portal won second place in the eGovernment competition’s Public Choice Award, which was decided by online vote.

The eGovernment competition has been the recognised benchmark for e-government activities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for 13 years now. The award honours projects which reflect the current sphere of experience of users, create high added value and embrace new online trends in a beneficial way. The competition is held under the auspices of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Latest online standards and open source software

This accolade serves as renewed recognition for the implementation of the Swiss government’s geoinformation strategy, based on the systematic use of open source software, open standards and cloud computing, as a groundbreaking project for the whole of Switzerland. The government’s geographical information centre, the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, was responsible for launching geo.admin.ch.

An eGovernment Switzerland priority project

The Federal geoportal geo.admin.ch is a priority project of the eGovernment Switzerland programme, which is geared towards enabling businesses and the general public to carry out important transactions with the authorities electronically. For their part, the authorities are being encouraged to update their business processes and interact electronically with one another. geo.admin.ch greatly facilitates the exchange of geographical data. The federal geoportal has been developed and is operated by the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo on behalf of the Coordinating Agency for Federal Geographical Information to implement the Geoinformation Act.

Address for enquiries

Ruedi Bösch, Communications
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
Tel. +41 (0)58 469 01 27

Specialist information:
David Oesch, Project Manager geo.admin.ch, Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
Tel. +41 (0)58 469 03 15


Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports

swisstopo – Federal Office of Topography

Federal Office for the Environment FOEN

Federal Statistical Office
