The Swiss electorate says No to the Gripen

Bern, 18.05.2014 - On 18 May 2014, the Swiss electorate rejected the Gripen Fund Act. The Federal Council and Parliament now have to consider alternatives for filling the imminent security gap.

Swiss voters have rejected the Federal Council's proposal for the procurement of 22 Gripen E aircraft. In his initial response, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer commented: "This decision will cause a security gap. We will do everything we can to fill this gap in these difficult circumstances as quickly as is possible. Different options on how best to ensure the Armed Force's operational readiness must be considered in the next few months".

The need for these analyses and the political process means it will be some time before new proposals are submitted on how to protect Swiss airspace after the anticipated decommissioning of the F/A-18s in 2025. The Federal Council and Parliament will then be required to decide on filling the security gap.

Address for enquiries

Renato Kalbermatten
DDPS spokesman
031 324 88 75


The Federal Council

General Secretariat DDPS
