Jacques de Watteville to become State Secretary for International Financial and Tax Matters in the FDF

Bern, 04.09.2013 - At its meeting today, the Federal Council appointed Ambassador Jacques de Watteville as the State Secretary for International Financial and Tax Matters in the Federal Department of Finance (FDF). He succeeds State Secretary Michael Ambühl, who will take on a negotiation and conflict management professorship at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Jacques de Watteville will take up office on 1 November 2013.

A person with many years of professional and leadership experience in Switzerland and abroad in a demanding job in the administrative or financial sector was sought as Michael Ambühl's successor. 

Jacques de Watteville earned a law degree at the University of Lausanne in 1973 and then obtained his degree in economics from the HEC Lausanne in 1976. He began his diplomatic career in 1982 after obtaining his doctorate in law studies, working as a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross and passing the bar exam.  

During his career, which has included working in London, Brussels and Beijing amongst other places, he has been dealing with SIF topic areas since 1988 and is acquainted with the problems with which Switzerland is confronted in the international financial sector. As the Head of the Economic and Financial Affairs Division of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) (1997-2003), he participated in numerous international negotiations with the EU, the OECD and the United States, and was involved in the development of Switzerland's international financial and tax policies. As an ambassador and Head of the Swiss Mission to the European Union in Brussels (2007-2012), he was involved particularly in negotiations and discussions on tax matters and institutional issues.

As a highly-regarded diplomat with many years of experience, Jacques de Watteville is an ideal candidate with all of the skills required. Due to his career, he is well acquainted with the political climate and the economic contexts not just in Switzerland but also internationally. Furthermore, due to his many years' experience in the financial and business sectors, he has very good connections in politics, business and administration.

Address for enquiries

Brigitte Hauser-Süess, Head of FDF Communications,
+41 31 322 63 01, brigitte.hauser-sueess@gs-efd.admin.ch


The Federal Council

Federal Department of Finance

Federal Department of Finance
