2025 budget with integrated task and financial plan for 2026 to 2028 available
Bern, 22.08.2024 - Effective immediately, the 2025 budget is available in electronic format on the website of the Federal Finance Administration (FFA). The hard copy will be released in mid-September.
Following the Federal Council's announcement of the figures for the 2025 budget on 26 June 2024, the detailed budget is now available. During its meeting on 21 August 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the 2025 budget with the integrated task and financial plan (ITFP) for 2026 to 2028 for the attention of Parliament. It contains all of the federal receipts and expenditure envisaged for 2025, as well as the outlook for the three subsequent years of the plan.
The debt brake requirements are met in the 2025 budget, thanks to CHF 2 billion in adjustment measures. Nevertheless, there is a financing deficit of CHF 700 million, and extraordinary payments are still required to cover some of the expenditure for people from Ukraine seeking protection. Structural financing deficits will persist in the financial plan years of 2026 to 2028, and will rise to around CHF 2.6 billion from 2027 onwards. This means that further measures are needed to re-establish a structural balance in the federal budget. The Federal Council has thus appointed a group of experts to review tasks and subsidies. The results will be available towards the end of the summer.
The financial plan for 2026 to 2028 does not yet take account of the provisional corrections to the AHV expenditure estimates. The Federal Council decree of 14 August 2024 on the financing of the 13th AHV pension payment has not been incorporated into the figures either. The additional burden resulting from the Confederation co-financing the 13th AHV pension payment will outweigh the reduction resulting from the estimate corrections in the financial plan years.
The dispatch on the 2025 budget with the integrated task and financial plan for 2026 to 2028 provides detailed information on the financial situation of the federal budget. It consists of two volumes:
Volume 1: Report on the budget with integrated task and financial plan
Volume 2: Budget with ITFP of the administrative units
(authorities and courts, FDFA, FDHA, FDJP, DDPS, FDF, EAER, DETEC)
The following can also be found on the FFA website:
- A summary with charts: "Federal finances at a glance"
- Our Data portal (with graphics)
- Time series (Excel files)
- Press release dated 26 June 2024: "2025 budget: positive receipt trend, major challenges remain"
Budget with integrated task and financial plan (ITFP)
Once a year, the Federal Council submits a dispatch containing the budget with integrated task and financial plan (ITFP) to the Federal Assembly. This shows the planned expenses and investment expenditure, the estimated revenue and investment receipts, the total expenditure and the estimated total receipts of the Confederation for the budget year and the three subsequent years of the plan. Furthermore, it provides the task and financial plan for all administrative units, as well as the performance groups with the most important targets.
Address for enquiries
Sarah Pfäffli, Communications
Federal Finance Administration FFA
Tel. +41 58 469 18 34, kommunikation@efv.admin.ch
The Federal Council
Federal Finance Administration