Speech by President Viola Amherd at Andrássy University in Budapest

Bern, 18.04.2024 - Speech by President Viola Amherd, head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), at Andrássy University, Budapest, Thursday, 18 April 2024.

Check against delivery

Professor Pállinger
Ladies and Gentlemen

Thank you very much for the invitation and for your kind words. I am very pleased to be able to speak to you today: it is a sign of freedom. A freedom that is under threat in so many places in the world. According to the United Nations, human rights are eroding in all regions and there is a global trend of democratic recession. Conversely, we are seeing more of what might be called ‘autocratic inflation’.

In times like these, it is even more important for young people to become involved and defend democratic values and individual liberties. My wish for you is that you have the opportunities and the strength to shape your future and the future of Hungary in the best possible way!

As you know, your country will hold the EU Presidency in the second half of this year – a task that has become even more challenging in the current climate. I will be discussing this with President Tamás Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán here in Budapest tomorrow.

We will discuss Swiss-Hungarian relations, bilateral relations between Switzerland and the EU, and the security situation. I would like to talk to you today about these issues and also, briefly, about where I see Europe in the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen

As our continent is a small landmass that has always seen migratory movements, there has been contact between our ancestors for what seems like an eternity. In my home region of Valais, for example, there is a river called the Navizence. Whether there is a connection with the Hungarian word ‘víz’, which means water, has been discussed by scientists. Indeed, Magyar artefacts have been found in Valais.

Better known are the contributions of Hungarian watchmakers in Switzerland, or Swiss confectioners such as Emile Gerbeaud or Christoph Caflisch in Hungary. And as you may know, after the Hungarian Uprising was crushed in 1956, Switzerland took in some 12,000 Hungarian refugees. The solidarity of the population was enormous at that time.

Today, Switzerland and Hungary enjoy close and friendly relations at all levels. For example, there are around 900 Swiss companies in Hungary; they provide more than 29,000 jobs. In return, investors naturally expect a stable business environment and investment security.

Cultural exchange is also important. A number of Swiss artists live and work in Hungary – many of them in the field of music. They are attracted by your country’s long musical tradition. Our embassy also contributes to these rewarding cultural exchanges through the Francophonie programme, the Book Festival and other events.

At the political level, too, there is a lively exchange. Our governments don’t agree on everything; on migration, for instance, Switzerland is in favour of Europe-wide solidarity. However, it is important – especially when we disagree – that we talk to each other.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Switzerland and Hungary are positioned differently in Europe. As you know, my country is not a member of the EU. However, Switzerland has always been a European Union in miniature: a place where some of the great European cultural areas, the German, French and Italian-speaking worlds, have come together to create something new.

Switzerland is known as a country that was forged by the political will of its people: there is no linguistic or ethnic bond that binds us to each other. Over the centuries, we have developed complex and unique mechanisms for working together. Federalism protects the freedom of action of the cantons and language regions. The principle of collegiality in government means that the main political forces are involved in decision-making. And above all, in the system of direct democracy, voters have a great deal of influence.

Every federal law is subject to either an optional or mandatory referendum. The popular initiative is also a widely-used tool. In our most recent referendum, for example, the Swiss people decided – against the recommendation of the government and parliament – that retirement pensions should be increased, from twelve to thirteen monthly payments each year. It is now our government’s difficult task to find the funds.

Not every voting issue is equally complex. A few years ago we debated whether farmers should have to keep their cows’ horns intact in order to qualify for subsidies. Some people felt strongly about this for animal welfare reasons. But the majority decided that hornless cows are okay too...

For years, the most difficult issue for Switzerland has been how to organise its relations with the European Union. This is not easy for us, even though Switzerland and the EU share so many interests and values. The EU’s success in securing peace in Western and Central Europe is an achievement for which it was rightly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. Switzerland and the EU also pursue very similar foreign policy objectives and work together closely in many areas.

The challenge in relations between Switzerland and the EU lies elsewhere: in the many, sometimes very technical issues that shape our relations. These include overland transport, air transport, agriculture and the free movement of persons.

A few weeks ago, relations between Switzerland and the EU entered a new phase: we started negotiations to renew our partnership and make it fit for the future. We both adopted mandates in mid-March, and on 18 March I opened negotiations with the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

For Switzerland, it is about access to the European market for our companies, labour-market-oriented immigration and wage protection. It is also important to us that our researchers can participate in European projects. A positive outcome, which we will do our utmost to achieve, is in the interests of both Switzerland and the EU – it is important that we maintain a close and multifaceted partnership.

A successful outcome that is also accepted by the Swiss people will be good for the EU and good for Switzerland. Positive, constructive processes are particularly important at the moment because there is not much room for disagreement between entities that have so much in common.

The other challenges we are facing are simply too great. We can see that autocratic rulers feel threatened by liberal values. Russia’s war against Ukraine is an extreme example of this. Switzerland is a neutral country, but we have never made a secret of our solidarity with Ukraine.

Our solidarity does not come from idealism or naivety. It is in the interest of us all. As a small country, Switzerland in particular has an existential interest in ensuring that international relations and the international order are founded on binding rules and not on the principle of ‘might is right’. I know that solidarity with the people of Ukraine is also strong among the Hungarian population, even if it is sometimes overshadowed by the political discourse.

In addition to its humanitarian commitment, Switzerland is focusing on the future reconstruction of Ukraine. We consider this to be of strategic importance for the stability of our continent. We held a conference in the summer of 2022 to define the framework for the political process that will guide Ukraine’s reconstruction. But before we can rebuild, there must be peace.

The philosopher Immanuel Kant is said to have described peace as the 'masterpiece of reason'. Unfortunately, at the moment we seem far from it. However, it would be unforgivable if we did not try to bring about a just and lasting peace once the Russian war against Ukraine is over. It is above all the great suffering of the civilian population and the tragic consequences of the war in Europe and around the world that compel all states to take action.

Working for the peaceful coexistence of peoples is one of the tenets of our constitution. For this reason and out of solidarity with the Ukrainian people, we will be holding a summit on peace in Ukraine. It is a matter of taking the first concrete steps towards a peace process.

The summit will serve as a forum where all participating states can put forward their ideas and visions. To this end, we will need the commitment and support of a large part of the international community.

Ladies and Gentlemen

As I draw to a close, I would like to offer a few personal reflections on my vision for Europe’s future. Our continent is one of the smallest; our share of the world’s population and of the global economy is shrinking.

There are other sources of conflict besides the war in Ukraine, and there is no overarching organisation that can speak for the whole continent. However, the Council of Europe, the EU and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe continue to be very important. From a Swiss perspective, the launch of the European Political Community (EPC) in 2022 was also a positive development, as it is a platform for dialogue on the major issues facing our continent.

Democracy, the rule of law, human rights and social equity: Europe has played a key role in shaping these values, not least because of the lessons learned from historical mistakes. As Europeans we must strive to make our political, economic and social model a beacon. But only if these values are cultivated in Europe will soft power work.

Hungary, Switzerland, Europe as a whole: we must join forces to defend our values and interests if we are to survive the current global democratic recession and preserve our security and prosperity. If we remember our heritage and our strengths, we will meet current and future challenges. I hope also thanks to you! Thank you!


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Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports
