Swiss Health Survey 2022

Location Medienzentrum Bundeshaus, Konferenzsaal
Centre de presse du Palais fédéral, salle de conférence
Centro media di Palazzo federale, sala delle conferenze
3003 Bern MZ 2.UG
Fri 03.11.2023
Description After the COVID-19 pandemic, how is the population's general state of health? How is the population's mental health? What are the most common physical ailments? How much time is spent on physical activity? Is overeight on the increase? What are the trends in alcohol and tobacco consumption? The Swiss Health Survey (SHS) provides answers to these and many other questions!

Conducted for the seventh time by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO), the SHS also enables comparisons to be made of the population's state of health, behaviour and use of healthcare services over a period of more than 30 years. Overall changes in health can thus be assessed over this period or since the last survey was carried out five years ago.

The FSO will present its results for 2022 and will make available a summary publication with numerous graphs to illustrate the main results. Further information about this survey is already available on the FSO website (in French, German and Italian).

The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) will explain how these results are indicative of the general trend in the population's state of health and set them in the context of health policy.
Contact Medienstelle BFS
Tel. 058 463 60 13
Organiser Federal Statistical Office
Other information Attachments

Last modification 10.01.2024

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