Cost-Brake Initiative

On 9 June Swiss voters rejected the federal popular initiative ‘For lower premiums – a cost brake in the health-care system (Cost-Brake Initiative)'.

In brief

Starting position

Everyone in Switzerland benefits from good medical care and receives the treatment they need. The costs are covered by compulsory health insurance. Since compulsory health insurance was introduced in 1996, medical costs have risen sharply, with health insurance premiums following suit. This is partly due to the ageing population, new forms of treatment and medicines, and the fact that these are being used more. However, this is also due to misguided incentives and inefficient structures.

The initiative

The initiative aims to introduce a cost brake. In future, salary trends and economic growth will determine how much the cost of compulsory health insurance can increase. The federal government, the cantons, health insurers and service providers must take steps to ensure that cost increases remain within reasonable limits. The initiative does not specify how salaries and economic development would be measured and what measures would be taken: this would have to be decided by Parliament when it draws up the relevant legislation.
Indirect counter-proposal

The Federal Council and Parliament reject the initiative. They have drawn up an indirect counter-proposal. Every four years, the Federal Council, in consultation with the stakeholders in the healthcare system, should determine how much the costs of compulsory health insurance should be allowed to rise. If the costs rise more sharply, the Federal Council and cantons will have to consider corrective measures. The counter-proposal comes into force if the initiative is rejected and no referendum is held.

Last modification 09.06.2024

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